What are mermaids?

What is a Mermaid? Did you every wonder where the stories about mermaids come from? The Mermaidsworld website offers an interesting history of mermaids: A mermaid is a mythical sea creature with a woman’s head and upper body and a fish’s tail. Mermaids were natural beings with magical and prophetic powers in European mythology, similar to fairies. It is said … Read More

Mermaids preserving sealife and tending to a whale

Here is a sneak peek of my coming “Mermaids and life underwater” exhibition. In this picture three mermaids are tending to a whale, scrubbing it’s thick skin and collecting plastic bags that pollute the whale’s surroundings. The image is one of a series of 12, and they will be portrayed as 50 x 70 cm posters in the Natural History … Read More